Dr. Wilkes and several colleagues from the CARE Center and College of Business received a Chancellor Innovation Scholars Program $10k grant

Joseph Cazier (CARE), Brandy Hadley (Finance, Banking & Insurance), Frank Linton (Research Associate CIS and CARE), James Wilkes 

Money from Honey: Using Open Apiary Management Software and Data Science to Help Meet Key U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Among Economically Challenged Populations.


Of all of the animals in the modern world, honey bees are among the most central to our survival. Most people know honey bees produce honey, however fewer realize the extent of the role they play in providing pollination services to support the world's food supply, which amounts to three fourths of the world’s commercially grown food crops by type and one third by volume. No bees, no food. However, bees are currently in trouble with annual colony losses hovering near 50% in some areas. Given the critical role bees play in our food and economic systems, helping people learn how to manage bees effectively also has the potential to help meet some of the key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, namely Goal 1 (No Poverty), Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), and Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). In this proposal we will show how an Apiary Management System can be used as a tool for sustainable development, especially among economically challenged populations that are often omitted by more traditional development programs. Bees can be kept (and thrive in) rural areas that have fewer options for food production, poverty reduction, and economic development. They can help both men and women beekeepers, and more importantly also help everyone around them by pollinating local flora and crops to increase yields. This grant will support the development of analytics tools for beekeepers to facilitate their success by collecting good data, providing status and usage reports and a collaborative mentoring portal.

Dr. James Wilkes

Published: Mar 13, 2019 12:11pm
