The Department of Computer Science maintains an honors track to provide highly-motivated and academically outstanding students the opportunity to study with like-minded peers and to conduct independent research that results in a senior honors thesis/project.
How To Apply
Students may apply for admission to the departmental honors track by submitting an application to one of the chair of the departmental honors committee, Dr. Mark Hills. Admission decisions are made by the honors committee.
Click here for printable application (PDF, 76 KB).
To graduate with Honors in Computer Science, students must:
- complete nine (9) hours of honors coursework in computer science at the 2000 level or higher including CS 4510, Senior Honors Thesis,
- earn a grade of "B" or higher in every departmental honors course used to satisfy the above requirement, and
- achieve a GPA of 3.45 in the computer science major at graduation.
Honors Courses
CS 3515. Junior Honors Seminar (3). F. Selected topics in computer science. Enrollment by permission of the departmental honors committee. May be repeated for credit when content is not duplicated. Prerequisites change with topic but always include C S 2450 and C S 2490.
CS 4510. Senior Honors Thesis (3). F; S. GEN ED: Capstone Experience
Independent study and research. Thesis must be directed by a member of the Department of Computer Science and presented both orally and in writing to the department. Enrollment by permission of the departmental honors committee. Students are required to take two semesters of CS 4510 totaling at least 3 credits with 1 and at least 2 credit hours in two consecutive semesters respectively. Thesis must be directed by a faculty member of the Department of Computer Science. A prospectus of the thesis must be submitted at the end of the first semester, and the thesis must be presented both orally and in writing to the department at the end of the second semester. Course grade determined by the thesis advisor and the departmental honors committee. Prerequisite: Completion of 6 hours of departmental honors courses at the 2000 level or higher with a grade of "B" or better in each.
Forms for Honors Students
- Departmental Thesis Course Application Form
- Registrar's Special Course Request Form (to get the course added to your schedule)
- Honors Thesis Payment Form (contains instructions for paying)